
The shloka “गजाननं भूतगणादिसेवितं” (Gajananam Bhutaganadisevitam Meaning) can be translated as follows: गजाननं भूतगणादिसेवितं अर्थ

Gajananam Bhutaganadisevitam Meaning | गजाननं भूतगणादिसेवितं अर्थ

Gajananam Bhutaganadisevitam Meaning | गजाननं भूतगणादिसेवितं अर्थ }
ganesha wishes, ganesh chaturathi wishes

“Gajānanam” – Referring to Lord Ganesha, who has the face of an elephant.

“Bhūtagaṇa-ādi-sevitam” – Meaning “worshiped by the multitude of celestial beings and others.”

So, the meaning of this shloka is:

“I worship Lord Ganesha, who has the face of an elephant and is worshiped by various celestial beings and other entities.”

This shloka is a reverential acknowledgment of Lord Ganesha’s divine attributes and his significance as a widely adored deity in Hinduism.

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